The different materials and finishes that come into play

What makes contemporary console tables such a choice is because of their beauty, some of them are like fine pieces of artwork. How is this even possible you say, well, it is because of the many beautiful materials that they can be crafted from and the finishes that they can have.

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To start with though, contemporary console tables will have one pretty basic design with simple lines, giving the furnishing a very sleek appearance. Sometimes there will be small design elements like softer lines or curves, but that is just every now and again.

The different materials and finishes that come into play are what really put the look of contemporary console tables over the top. For example, you can get one that is made using both glass and metal with a base crafted from steel that has a chrome finish supporting a slightly black tinted table top. Or, you could purchase one that is crafted from pine that has a rich, black finish with a slight semi-glass appearance.

In addition to those materials and finishes, contemporary console tables can also be made from a slew of others finished in many different ways as well. Some of the other options include woods like maple, cedar, and alder along with metals like wrought iron and regular iron while other finishing options are a simple lacquer applied to the wood or hand painted colors and those for the metal might be hand rubbed or polished.

Par zhenweixup le lundi 02 mai 2011


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